Workshops in this series inject new and exciting energy into ancient traditions and mitzvot. Abstract and old rituals are infused with meaning and purpose.
Scroll down for experiences.

Thousands of years before it found its way to a printing press, the handwritten Torah scroll was at the heart of Jewish culture. It can still be found, in its same form, as the focal point of any Jewish center around the globe. Students will immerse themselves in the history of written expression and experience the magic of taking something seemingly unusable and transforming it into an enduring object of teaching and inspiration.
The Havdalah ceremony plays a central role in Jewish culture and tradition. This workshop zones into the secrets behind each of the important components of the service and concludes with a candle making experience. The light of the Havdalah candle is reflected in their eyes as this popular ritual comes to life.

​It's an educational and gastronomical adventure that will expose your audience to the world of culinary history in a way they can taste, touch, and smell.​ Participants learn how to make chocolate from scratch and shape their very own chocolate creations. They will encounter a variety of edible aspects to Jewish life: Kosher eating, traditional holiday treats, blessings on food and cuisines that have been influenced and shaped by the places all across the globe where Jewish people once lived. And as they do, they will be inspired to be more thoughtful and curious eaters.
The Mezuzah workshop provides a fascinating behind-the-scenes look into what's involved in the production of the ancient scroll. Following an explanation on the inscription inside the Mezuzah and what it means for the people inside the house, some fascinating facts, and an opportunity to examine the parchment up, close and personal, using special tools, participants engrave their customers design or name into a copper slate which will later be inserted into a brass case. The end results are beautiful!

The Talit Workshop teaches participants the unique and mystical mitzvah of wearing a talit, a four cornered garment Participants will not only learn about all the different types of talits, they will also take an active part in making one from scratch and learning all the steps that are involved, starting with shearing the wool, combing it, and then going on to process and spin it. We will also demonstrate the process of wearing it and when/where it is worn.