1) Does JCrafts operate its programs at our facility?
Yes, JCrafts is an all-mobile program. We bring our props and equipment to your facility.
2) What does JCrafts need from us?
The only things we need from you are covered-tables (6ft or 8ft tables are best) and an electrical outlet. The rest is on us.
3) What is the cost of a JCrafts program?
Most programs come with a minimum first presentation subsidized rate of $300 for schools, museums and/or libraries. Subsequent programs are usually $175. Depending on the program, there are some optional add-ons/projects that would have a per child fee.
4) What kind of room is best recommended for a JCrafts presentation?
A large room is preferred, high ceilings are a bonus. Ultimately, whatever size room you have available, we’ll make it work.
5) How many students can a JCrafts program accommodate?
Our programs are designed to accommodate up to 40 students. That number may be exceeded depending on the circumstances.
6) How long is each program?
The average duration of a program is about 45 minutes.
7) Are programs open to all students?
Absolutely. We welcome students from all walks of life. We want everyone to feel comfortable at a JCrafts program.
8) Are JCrafts programs interactive?
Yes, JCrafts programs are designed to be highly interactive. There's a lot of passing around, touching and feeling, and members of the audience are often called upon to volunteer throughout the presentation.
9) Are your programs hands-on?
JCrafts places a great emphasis on hands-on. The experiential element is at the very core and fabric of JCrafts’ programs. It’s what makes JCrafts, JCrafts!
10) What ages are JCrafts programs geared toward?
The targeted audience is elementary school through middle school students. That said, programs are designed for all ages and can generally be well adapted to children in preschool, college aged students and even seniors.
11) What geographical area do you operate in?
We do workshops in the Long Beach and Greater Orange County areas.
12) Is there anything else I need to know before booking a program?
Nope. Just click on the ‘At Your Center’ tab and submit your reservation! We’ll follow up shortly. If you have any questions, you can also reach out by email to sender@jcraftsoc.com or by phone to 949.381.1948.
Looking forward to coming to your school!